Google's NEW AI 'Dreamix' SHOCKS The Entire World!
Do you remember when Google's AI team released their new AI tool called Dreamix? Well, buckle up because it's going to blow your mind!
Dreamix is an AI-powered text-to-video editing tool developed by Google. It leverages cutting-edge AI technology to generate hyper-realistic, high-quality videos using text prompts and input images or videos. The possibilities of Dreamix are endless, whether it's animating static images, transforming monkeys into dancing bears, or bringing an entire storyboard to life with minimal user input. The AI algorithms behind Dreamix are so advanced that the generated content is nearly indistinguishable from reality.
Big names like Runway's Gen 2, NVIDIA's GauGAN, and OpenAI's GPT-4 have made our jaws drop with AI-generated art and language modelling.
Think about typing a sentence and, voilà, a stunning video appears! Runway's Gen 2 has been rocking that scene, turning ideas into eye-catching visuals.
Then there's NVIDIA's GauGAN, wowing us with its ability to turn doodles into amazing AI-generated art. And who can forget the incredible OpenAI's GPT-4? The AI giant has changed the game in language modeling and generated text that seems almost human. It's like an AI best friend that knows just what to say, creating text that's engaging, believable, and tailored to the audience.
Posted April 26, 2023
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