Tesla Is Taking a Completely Unexpected Step Toward Its Two New Cars.
Tesla wants to evolve. CEO Elon Musk has announced several steps that point to major changes. Among them are two completely new electric cars. But another plan really catches the eye.
Advertisement for Tesla: So Musk is doing it after all
Tesla wants to advertise. The plan that CEO Elon Musk announced at the annual shareholder meeting is that simple, at least in the first steps. "We're going to try some advertising and see how it goes," Musk told attendees.
Actually an absolute standard, just not at Tesla. The company has always avoided traditional advertising. So far, Musk has primarily relied on word of mouth.
The most obvious and largest advertiser for Tesla is Musk himself. With his tweets, sometimes on cryptocurrencies, political issues, but also about the often vague plans of the electric car manufacturer, the billionaire reaches so many people anyway that some advertising campaigns only talk about it can dream.
In the past, Musk had often been proud that Tesla dispensed with classic advertising channels. What could have changed in the basic attitude is unclear. It is possible that Tesla now wants to turn to classic advertising because of the increasing competition . It remains exciting to see what campaigns the car manufacturer could now tackle.
So two new e-cars: And Tesla CEO does not look at the cards.
#tesla #TeslaAdvertising #TeslaNewCars
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