Videos » AI Breakthrough: Scientists Create Human Brain-Like System

AI Breakthrough: Scientists Create Human Brain-Like System

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In a groundbreaking feat of scientific advancement, researchers have successfully developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system that mimics the intricate neural functions of the human brain. This remarkable achievement, published in the esteemed journal Nature Machine Intelligence, marks a significant step towards unlocking the mysteries of the mind and harnessing the power of AI for future advancements. The AI system, meticulously crafted by scientists at the University of Cambridge, utilizes computational nodes instead of neurons, replicating the brain's structural organization. By imposing physical and energetic constraints akin to those found in human neural networks, the researchers observed the emergence of brain-like characteristics, including organizational strategies and efficiencies that mirror the human brain. To assess the AI system's capabilities, the researchers tasked it with navigating a complex maze. Remarkably, the AI system successfully navigated the maze, showcasing its ability to learn and adapt in a manner reminiscent of human cognition. This breakthrough has opened up a realm of possibilities for the future of AI, with potential applications in mental health research, AI development, and our understanding of the human mind itself.
Posted November 30, 2023
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