Videos » AGI Countdown: 7 Months to a New World 🌐 | Your Ultimate Preparation Guide πŸš€

AGI Countdown: 7 Months to a New World 🌐 | Your Ultimate Preparation Guide πŸš€

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\ud83d\ude80 *Want to Build Profitable GPTs?* Full GPT Income Mastery Course: \ud83e\udd1d *Looking To Work With a Professional?* Explore our portfolio and discover how we can elevate your AI projects to the next level!: Dive into the imminent revolution of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in "In 7 Months: How AGI Will Revolutionize Your Life and Business \ud83d\ude80 | Get Prepared 1". This video peels back the layers of AGI's potential to transform our world, exploring OpenAI's foresight into this monumental shift. From the colossal advancements hidden within the labs of the largest AI corporations to the drastic economic and societal changes on the horizon, this guide offers a comprehensive look into what the future holds. With practical advice on how to adapt, this series is your first step towards navigating and thriving in the AGI era. Prepare to explore the unseen depths of AI innovation and understand how to harness its power for your life and business. Timecodes 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Keeping AI Secret 1:01 - AGI Changes Coming 2:03 - Moore's Law for Everything 2:28 - The scale of AI Advancements 4:04 - OPENAI's Solutions 7:30 - How do you prepare SOCIALS: Twitter: \ud83d\udc26 Patreon: \ud83d\udcb0 Email: \ud83d\udce7 Discord:
Posted Mar 3
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