Videos » Xiaomi CyberDog 2 Review: Everything You Need to Know

Xiaomi CyberDog 2 Review: Everything You Need to Know

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Are you curious about Xiaomi’s latest bio-inspired robot, the CyberDog 2? Do you want to know how it compares to other robot dogs on the market, such as Boston Dynamics’ Spot? In this video, I will give you a comprehensive review of the CyberDog 2, covering its design, features, performance, and price. The CyberDog 2 is a remarkable quadruped robot that pushes the boundaries of intelligence and realism. It has 19 sensors, including a touch sensor, a LiDAR sensor, an acoustic sensor, and a ToF sensor. It can run at 1.6m/s, do back flips, and learn new skills through Xiaomi’s AI reinforcement learning platform. It also has a camera RGB, a camera interactive AI brain, four ToF sensors, a LiDAR sensor, a depth camera, an ultrasonic sensor, a fisheye lens sensor, a force sensor, and two Ultra Wide Band sensors. The CyberDog 2 looks much less business-like and more like a family companion than its predecessor, the CyberDog. It has a sleek and futuristic design, with a black and silver color scheme and a Xiaomi logo on its back. It also has a detachable tail that can be used as a remote control or a storage device. The CyberDog 2 is not cheap, though. It costs around $1,500, and only 1,000 units are available for purchase. Xiaomi says it is targeting developers, engineers, and enthusiasts who want to explore the potential of bio-inspired robotics. If you are one of them, you can apply for a chance to buy the CyberDog 2 on Xiaomi’s website1. So, is the CyberDog 2 worth it? Watch the video to find out!
Posted Mar 5
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