AI is (almost) ready to take ALL jobs and Companies are Thrilled!
Imagine ChatGPT, but with a robot body! That's what Covariant is working on, and it will accelerate the AI takeover of the job market. Deploying flexible AI-powered machines is now a reality. Machines that can perform a specialized function today, can soon be easily updated to perform a different task tomorrow. Covariant has just created the new RFM-1 (Robotics Foundation Model 1), which is like a large language model (LLM), but for robot language. There has been a sudden explosion of humanoid robotics firms like Agility, Figure, 1X and Apptronik. There will soon be no corner of the workforce safe from AI. That notion was supported by Open AI. CaliExpress by Flippy is the world’s first fully autonomous restaurant powered by artificial intelligence. This is now! So what does that mean for the vast majority of people who rely on wages and salary to make a living. How will people earn money going forward? AI-generated text, art, and music are nothing new, but imagine an AI-generated workforce.
00:00:00 My Barista and The New Normal
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Posted May 4
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