Videos » The 7 Stages of AI | From Childhood to SINGULARITY

The 7 Stages of AI | From Childhood to SINGULARITY

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Could machines ever be capable of thinking and reasoning exactly like a human? Artificial Intelligence is not merely a science fiction concept but an ever-evolving reality that has progressed through different stages over the years. Each stage marks a big step forward in machines being able to think and even outsmart humans in different ways. The question is: where do we stand now and where are we headed? Let's explore the Seven stages of AI. 00:00 Intro 00:33 Stage 1: Rule-based AI Systems 02:14 Stage 2: Knowledge and Context-Aware Systems 03:38 Stage 3: Specific Domain Systems 05:37 Stage 4: Thinking and Reasoning 07:23 Stage 5: General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) 09:12 Stage 6: Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) 11:08 Stage 7: The AI Singularity
Posted Jun 4
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